This is the most obvious question that every student who recently completed their SEE exams encounters frequently, and if you are one of them, then this article is just for you. After the SEE examination, we are granted an almost 90-day gap period before enrollment in any institution, but here, A levels and some other boards may be an exception. However, the majority of us are granted a substantial off period and we have no idea how to make this time as productive as possible.
Most students have no idea what to do or what to learn, and they end up procrastinating and doing nothing at all. Therefore, we must decide what to learn in this period and make these 90 days as fruitful as possible.
Today is the world of technology and innovation, Everyday we hear about breakthroughs in the field of science and technology. In the present world, learning a good skill is as important as education because it is the unique skill that differentiates us from others around us. But now, here comes another question: what skills to learn and how to learn them? The answer is that you can learn any skill. You can learn programming, freelancing, dancing, tutoring, video-editing anything; it does not matter. But since most things are becoming more and more digitalized and internet-centric, it is highly preferable for us to learn a computer skill and master it.
There are multiple options. You can learn web development and create tempting websites, or you can go for graphic designing and be able to create some awesome designs. You can even go for game development and create your own game and launch it in the Play Store or you may also learn today’s most trending topic, AI, and train your own models. Skills are necessary not just in the sense of money but for the sense of growing and adapting yourself in today’s dynamic world.
If you utilize a fraction of your off period in learning some good IT skills, you will be far ahead than others who haven’t learnt anything. Imagine how cool it will be for you to learn about AI this holiday and enter your high school with some cool AI projects, or imagine learning web development and creating your cool portfolio website to show to your friends. Won’t it be awesome?
Whether you are going into a different stream other than computer science, it does not matter. What matters is learning a skill and being good at it. Now, remember, instead of wasting your time playing games and scrolling reels all day, just put in a little effort to learn something and see how it helps you in the most wonderful ways.